From Texas to New York: A Heart to Heart

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My creative work is a purposeful attempt to deconstruct my illusions and share the wisdom with the world. In preparation for my next podcast episode with the Final Outlaw NYC based hip-hop artist —
I am reflecting on the related themes which I will be unfolding in a series of podcast episodes, essays and videos.

As a self-guided person I often find it difficult to balance my work with my personal life. My creative passions sometimes bleed into conflicts with others, because of my attachment to a grand vision and personal ego. Through discipline, self-analysis and with the kind support of friends I am rediscovering the passion to fully embrace myself and continue my ultimate purpose.

The year I took away from writing articles, journalism and pursuing new adventures felt as if I was in purgatory. As if I could not move on to the next stage. My attachment to the past eroded my passion, and in my friends & loved ones I found a place to rest. In this ambivalent state of mind I found the courage to be honest, to accept who I really am –to make the necessary changes I need to overcome.

My Spiritual unfoldment continues to intensify as I surrender to the river of changes which remind me to be patient, to be grateful for my strengths and trust my inner-vision. This year I overcame my self-imposed limitations of the past through an active routine of Yoga, Jujitsu and self-reflection. Instead of escaping reality I confronted my fears by adapting to uncomfortable situations. I grounded myself in the present moment, took a breath and set myself free of my past.

Relationships Are Mirrors

My journey to self discovery led me to the East Coast which spontaneously reconnected me with my friend James, the Final Outlaw, who is also experiencing similar challenges. Though the details may differ the overall synergy manifested through us reminds me of the interconnected nature of reality.

Navigating Brooklyn late at night is an adventure in it itself, challenging and disorienting at times. Finally meeting up with James face-to-face in a nearby Columbian diner inspired an enthralling conversation. Through the years we’ve checked in with each other over the phone to discuss the state of the world, underground music and our particular takes on creative work.

As a person of intensity I skip the formalities and ask the big questions: How has your perspective change? What transformative changes are you experiencing? Who are you now?

Whether it is politics, music or simply the realities of family life –individual transformation is uncomfortable and even unacceptable to others. The Cycles of Change I experienced the last five years showcase this difficulty in finding our way through the confusion, uncertainty and failures.

An honest relationship with reality means “going all the way,” being fully present and committing to a meaningful purpose. In practice this means honesty in all aspects, most especially in the way our behavior matches our true beliefs. Being honest in our ideas, work and relationships is reflected in the quality of life we live. We are under no obligation to tolerate falsity, deception or violence and to perpetuate this type of energy begets a lesson in self-destruction.

This raw honesty extends to my past inconsistency between my message and my practice. I confronted myself without excuses to find the underlying imbalance which manifests through my distorted relationships. My attachment to this imbalance was borne out of fear, scarcity but ultimately from a place of control. Surrendering to…”A Series of Awakenings” reinvigorates my passion to pursue my ultimate purpose.

My Ultimate Purpose: The Combo Conspiracy

The Combo Conspiracy is my personal spiritual framework to practice what I preach. It is a long term commitment to unfold my Spirit and share my inner-light with the world, to travel where my wisdom is needed and to connect in meaningful ways with fellow travelers. My objective is to ground myself to the frequency of life by vibrating with compassion and fealty to universal truth. To balance my passion with the guiding star of unconditional love, to liberate myself from captivity…to lead others out of their captivity by honest example.

The Combo Conspiracy in literal terms means creating dynamic & abundant connections with authentic individuals. To flow spontaneously with caring people who seek to create a mutual aid society organized on the creative principles of reality which extends beyond online communities para-social relationships and algorithmic constrains.

My objective is to share my personal approach to Glitching the Matrix without breaking the Self or divorcing ourselves from reality. My mission is to guide others to have a direct connection with the raw essence of natural life beyond the Cyber-Domain, beyond the Matrix of Control and beyond limits of conditioned perspective. To arrive to this point requires a leap of faith in the face of darkness but more importantly a direct connection with the self.

My faith is that this loose organization of friends, family & loved ones will become the synergistic vehicle that safeguards us from the tidal waves of corruption. This is the process of life, this is the creative principle of reality: cooperation, complexity & simplicity.

The new wave of change is not about race, religion or nationality but about a multidimensional awareness of the world, humanity and our leading role in reality. The ideal I am pursuing is beyond fame, material trappings and goes beyond the conventionality of culture. Ultimately, this metaphysical framework is not a promise of salvation or a method to bypass spiritual lessons but rather a personal testimony of my direct relationship with reality.

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