Individuation or Assimilation

Catch Up with Combo

Individuation or Assimilation

The importance of individual self-realization is tragically eclipsed by a collectivized reality: a virtual casino where attention is currency and truth is irrelevant. The hyper real carnival of pleasures, political intrigue and viral trends entrains the minds of men to assimilate or be irrelevant. We are reduced to mere spectators of reality by a centralized, technocratic super-structure managed by social-engineers.

Individuals who recognize the spiritual undercurrent of scientific materialism, government and religion –may find themselves alienated or even feel culpable for their role in participating with the Spectacle. Logically, we find answers in resolving this tension by adopting a new mindset, lifestyle or a whole new belief system.

As we rediscover a life outside of the system we may also find ourselves committed to shadow-work as a necessary step to breakaway from our conditioning. This process of integrating limitations, fears and anxiety empowers us recognize the power & authority to change the direction of our personal life.

The implicit pitfall in the journey towards self-discovery is the neurotic obsession with avoiding mistakes, undesirable outcomes and aimless shadow-work. Examining the shadow is productive but it is also important to continue the process of individuation by DOING the personal work which connects us to the bigger picture of reality.

C.S. Lewis reminds us that:

Both good and evil require long-term investments of little decisions, feelings and actions from which outcomes come into material realization. Time unfolds all things and showcases the underlying essence behind all things.

When we examine our personal shadow and our role between good and evil we find the power to find a balance.

Most of our time is dominated by our adherence to social roles, civic rituals and engagement with impactful narratives which shape every aspect of modern life. We are reminded of our impotence through economic, political and cultural factors. Our point of observation is limited to one life time, to a singular perspective and under siege by a schizophrenic society. Creating an authentic, individuated Self int this environment is antithetical to Society’s comprehension of reality.

The modern outgrowth of inhumanity, mental illness and widespread demoralization –originates from a multigenerational progression of collectivized decisions made out of fear, anxiety and scarcity. The alternative to the dystopia is not to be found in the external world but in the long-term investment in your own localized reality.

Some may believe that the awakening of humanity entails free energy, a landslide victory at the polls or even the mass awareness of a conspiracy-fact that exposes everything. Unfortunately, the little things such as meaningful connections, personal purpose and a deep connection with reality eludes us as possible LONG-TERM SOLUTIONS.

Feeling into the present moment is key to understanding our energetic imprinting of physical reality.

The attention, time and energy invested in creating personal meaning in our life is under our control. However, the boundaries of the rational mind may not fully recognize the deeper implications of transcendental time, the immortal self and the collaborative development of human consciousness. To recognize these deeply hidden connections requires you to Reclaim Your Power and Learn to Enjoy Life!

The little things under our control have transformative potential which can redefine our life if we simply transcend beyond the material conditioning. As we develop implicit knowledge over our inner-world we discover the spiritual, transcendental dimensions embedded in physical reality.

We can experience this reality first-hand through the mystical heart-to-heart connections we create with our Self, Others and the World.

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