Life Beyond the Spectacle

We find ourselves in the midst of a massive transformation in the narrative of politics, technology and society –however oblique this transition may seem let us not forget there’s a deeper game. The change which is unfolding is not presidential, political movements or spiritual awakenings. The bizarre procession of events is perfectly scripted with a redemption arc, and a return to “traditional values.” For some time the stage has been prepared to “switch sides” to the right.

Unfortunately, the deeper truth behind the grand schemes of the Matrix of Control is continually memory-holed so much so that we end up rediscovering the same truths. The irony is that we tend to forget the lessons, and still our conscious strives to rediscover them.

Ideology trains us to see the world through the lens of conventionality and oftentimes delineates the boundaries of consciousness for the majority of people. We are coerced by the structure of society implanted by anonymous power-groups who nudges humanity’s behavior every clocking second.

The manipulation of millions is automated by predatory and deceptive algorithms, apps and LLM(s). Tragically, Web3.0 is not necessarily any better –or even the ALTERNATIVE MEDIA for that mater. The alternative-media or any other alternative opposition does not truthfully stand in the wake of the hyper-real Spectacle. The inauthentic political landscape with its apocalyptic aesthetic is irresistible to most of us…and yet the political tyranny continues to be unchecked by popular mania or the supposed alternative media. We are all seemingly hypnotized by the show. Whether we agree or disagree the procession continues.

Some may see my perspective on the political landscape as pessimism gone awry. Let me emphasize that in spite of a popular disbelief in the authority of government, or even the relevance of organize religion –there is an unshakeable obsession with the show.

People’s obsession with conspiracies, political intrigue and the shenanigans of socialites is nothing new of course. However, the scientific application of social engineering has exponentially evolved in the New Age of Intelligence. The truth is out there but we are looking for it in the wrong places. Nostalgia, sentimentality and our own willingness to ignore our personal experiences binds us to the Spectacle.

Our conditioned mind wants to believe that to escape the matrix means the codification of a new set of values or its opposite: a return to traditional, paternalistic values. Rarely, do we realize that living our individual life with actionable purpose and self-created meaning is actually the long-term solution.

If we are to overcome the massive technocratic imposition with a long-term resolve to thrive, then the psychic energy should originate in self-created meaning rather than aimlessly reacting to the Spectacle. Focusing our attention, time and energy to the interconnected tapestry of our personal life creates a series of awakenings.

Training the psyche to see reality as a reflection of its inner state is the first step towards deep self-realization of the Individual Experiment. The second realization is that control over the inner-world brings direct awareness of the principle of Abundance in life. To read, to hear this truth is not enough! You must reclaim your power in the now.

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