Performative Politics and Post-Modernity

Part three of my ongoing critical analysis of modern society’s themes, narratives and power-dynamics intends to contextualize the recurring fallacy in political activism, the implications of post-modernity in the information age –as well as its in-authentic hyper-reality.


To understand this world we need to demystify, delineate and contextualize the sociopolitical reality which is eclipsed by a cacophony of neoliberal narratives, demoralizing news-events and performative politics.

The Big Picture

My coverage of the biopolitical override of human liberty through a technocratic takeover approached the emergent trends in technology, finance and politics to demonstrate the ulterior motives behind “brutal but effective” public policies. Currently, my analysis is focused on deconstructing the Spirit of this Age by transgressing the philosophical, psychological and existential implications of technocracy in a post-human world.

The public’s awareness of the establishment’s corruption, deceitfulness and attrition of individual liberty has not deterred public officials from enforcing tyranny. The international outcry & push-back against authoritarian mandates (lock-downs, forced vaccination etc.) momentarily derailed the agenda — however the political trajectory remains mostly unchecked.

To break free from this pattern we must recognize the recurring fallacy

In Adam Curtis’ narrative driven documentary “Hypernormalization,” we see the story of an idealistic generation and its demoralization in the midst of a banker takeover of government & society. The subsequent geopolitical, economic and political crises which continued simply served to re-affirm the 60’s & 70’s counter-culture transition from optimistic political activism to a cool detachment from reality.

The music, the drugs and the lack of any meaningful change in the system created an avenue for disenchanted activists, gurus and dejected individuals to popularize alternative lifestyles without consideration for politics. Meanwhile, the military-industrial-complex focused on developing military networks, autonomous robots and conquering the human mind.

…”an army of technocrats, complacent radicals and Faustian internet entrepreneurs have conspired to create an unreal world; one whose familiar and often comforting details blind us to its total in-authenticity.”

Today banks, private equity firms and intelligence communities manage an insurmountable level of control over disruptive technology, biomedicine, information and media. The top-down management of society by the private & public partnership of government, banks and corporations exercise a sophisticated technocratic power which can condition the general public to adopt new trends, habits and conforming lifestyles in real time.

The politicos, the think tanks, the NGO’s and armies of influencers conveniently all agree with the major media platforms, corporations and big banks on the big plan: sustainable development, carbon credits, forced vaccination, mandatory masks and lock downs if necessary. Meanwhile, the subsequent political discourse is described in divisive terms which the generally public adopts as its own language & identity.


The actual draconian policies instituted by the political machinery do not arouse the passions in people as much as the contrived optics of their coinciding political events. The facade is more dramatic, more engaging than the underlying political reality of social-engineering and technocracy.

As mentioned in part two Anti-Hero & Catharsis when the socio-political convention inhibits the passions (i.e. freedom, compassion and meaning) in Man this energy is diffused through contemporaneous narratives, popular-culture and embodied through its Anti-Heroes. When the political climate does not allow for meaningful transgression the social discourse descends into pantomiming its primordial anxieties.

The genuine interests of Americans are subverted by a corporate approved culture which telecasts destabilizing ideas purposefully scripted to derail legitimacy, self-development and free expression. Narratives that contextualize this reality are obfuscated by propagandists, censored by sophisticated algorithms and sidelined by consensus cracking & social media influencers. “Biden has increasingly sought online creators to sell major policy initiatives,” reports the Washington post.

This surreal blend of fiction & faction is like a bottomless black hole that sucks people into perpetual conflict. We are gas-lighted into division by contrived racial issues, half-truths and Orwellian buzz words. Unfortunately, this scripted narrative offers us a performative stage on which to exalt our impotence, inaction and disillusionment while the world we once knew fades away.


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