Reclaim Your Power

Reclaim Your Power

Reclaim Your Power

The “official” version of reality is a conflation of convenient lies, apocalyptic tales and absurd news headlines. The reality outside of the cyber-domain is buried by a virtual carnival where anonymous corporations dominate our attention. Human Networks are the new dimension of modern warfare in this new age of intelligence.

Social-engineers, mathematicians and developers program digital environments to crack consensus and promote the official narrative: the centralization of power, and total compliance. The real time social-management of computer networks with high-level data analysis actively maps the human terrain and influences online activity, culture and mass trends. Dominion over human attention creates the mechanism to program the evolutionary path of online relationships, conversations and leverage the online interactions millions of people with impactful narratives.

Automated Manipulation
In this episode of the COMBO Show, Hector contextualizes the bigger picture of the technocratic manipulation of humanity.

The allure of extravagant, extraordinary “truths” are reliably the most popular models for the TRANCEformation of online-conversations. Sometimes there is no ad-revenue for the boring stuff, for the contextualization of the bigger picture or for information that promotes authentic human connections.

When narratives simply copy, paste and repeat the ideological content that is fashionable, that is viral then it is not news but an elaborate digital-role playing simulation. The DOD refers to it as: Interactive Internet Activities –The psychological modulation of cultural narratives, digital trends in real-time without detection from the general public.

We are entrain to participate in this spectacle by our desire to project ourselves into a prominent role in the shadow-play. The various ideologies promise us a stylized, fashionable and comfortable rebellion in which the sublimated ego can reinvent itself and forsake the awareness of its own impotence. The Secret Intelligence groups, militaries and corporations are quite ready to satisfied this need.

Ultimately, the end-product of post-modernity is the collectivized human, the average-persona which complies to the State’s power-principle in exchange for a false liberation. The pleasure driven simulated realities promulgated by the corporate matrix keep us busy with games, pornography and viral trends.

We are conditioned to be spectators in our own life, and to forsake the vital uniqueness in our intimate, localized reality. The Shadow Play which dominate the cyber-domain pulls our attention to hyper-real narratives which trigger our impulses to predefined outcomes.

Online counter-culture, the underground and the supposed alternative media also promise an alluring form of rebellion which appears to challenge the official narrative but promote para-social bonds with bombastic, divisive and self-righteous commentators. The tragic outcome is a vortex of confusion, division and ideological mind-games.

As individuals breaking free from this Spectacle we are tasked with a difficult problem. What will our role be in this show?

To find the truth through the media-muck one can look to their favorite media-personality or become self-initiated into the ineffable essence of life.

The more time, energy and attention we dedicate to digital environments and online simulations the more divorced from our intuitive knowingness of the inner-reality: that all things are alive, conscious and interconnected. This major realization enhances our awareness of our limitless potential to transform reality.

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