Transcending the Matrix of Control

On this insider episode of the Combo Show, Hector opens up an impactful conversation on the full-spectrum agenda of the technocrats.  He also presents long-term solution that require a direct, hands on engagement with your personal reality. Ultimately, the solution lies in learning to enjoy life in spite the dark news and political theater.

The way out of the Matrix begins when we flow with the magic of life…

 According to Combo, their multigenerational criminal syndicate is now moving to the next phase of control. Their next target is overriding the human spirit through technology such as geofencing, social management systems and hyperreality.   

Hector introduces an alternative long-term solution to the Matrix of Control.  As the culture shifts in opposition to technocracy we find ourselves with a special opportunity.  it is not enough to know the Big Conspiracy…we need to feel our way trough it.

As we unfold our unconscious potential in waking life, then we begin to transcend effortlessly through the maze of confusion & control.  

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